Weedol Lawn Weedkiller Spray 800ml
The Lawn Weedkiller Spray from Weedol is a ready-to-use spray which is a pre-diluted ready-to-use selective weedkiller spray for use on lawns and contains three herbicides to give control of many common lawn weeds without harming the grass.
The weed killer is perfect for use for spot treatment or when treating small patches of weeds. The weed killer kills multiple types of weeds including in just one treatment, including problem weeds such as white clover, black medick, lesser trefoil, daisy, and dandelions.
- Kills Many common Lawn Weeds Including Dandelions, Daisies & Clover
- Ready to Use Out of the Box – No Mixing, No Fuss
- Selective lawn weedkiller spray
- Ideal for spot treatments and small weed patches
- Won’t harm grass