Azpects Easy Ornament & Statue Cleaner 750ml
The Azpects Easy Ornament & Statue Cleaner is a high quality cleaner which will transform and rejuvenate heavily soiled ornament, statues, headstones and masonry. The high performance non solvent, non acid cleaner will completely remove natural soiling from all porous building materials.
The cleaner will not damage any natural and sensitive stone materials and results can be seen very quickly with the end results continuing in just 24 hours. The formula revitalises all concrete and stone and can also be used to clean decking, fences and other timber structures.
Ready to use 750ml Trigger Spray – Ideal for small problem areas
Benefits & Features Â
- Used by professionals to remove build-up of contamination dirt and grime from ornaments and statues
- The cleaning process continues for up to 12 months after application.
- Fast and Effective
- Easy to use
- Safe on all natural stone and concrete
Check Out The Whole Azpects EASYCare Range