Ecofective Concentrated Lawn Feed 1.25L
The natural liquid lawn feed from Ecofective is ideal for adding nutrients to your lawn to make it more healthy. It’s a quick and effective way of looking after your lawn and contains all-natural ingredients, including molasses sugar, which help create vivacious green lawns and reduce disease and moss.
The concentrated feed is quick and easy to use as it can simply be diluted in a watering can or sprayer, creating less mess and waste.  Natural Lawn Feed is used by professionals and provides 125sq.m of coverage from just 1.25 Litres.
- Natural formula, ideal for family lawns
- Quick and easy to apply with a watering can or sprinkle bar
- The nutrients are taken up quickly, creating a lush, green lawn in no time
- Child and pet safe
- Bee-friendly
- Bottle made from 100% recycled materials and is recyclable